The fastest way to optimize your machine learning models

The Tori-engine is built upon 3 principles:

  1. Reliability

Accelerate your MLOps workflow by getting reliable RUNTIME/POWER performance measures, at development time.

2. Performance & Lightweight.

Get the most compact and efficient ML models, while maintaining top prediction performance.

Minimal resources are required to run the Tori-engine.

3. Flexibility & Speed

Optimize and adapt models in a non-intrusive way.

Don’t switch to a new framework. Keep your custom data loader, training, and validation environments.

Tori operates on-premise. Keep your data private.

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Let’s work together!

Does your models run under the required frame-rate across different smartphones? Can your hardware handle 25000 requests p.sec. on your latest models?

Find out, before deploying, if your model fits the requirements of your target use-case.